Friday, January 1, 2010

The Right First Step

Thank you for taking the right first step

While we keep working on our full Web site for this new facility, I wanted to give you a taste of who we are, what our approach at Functional Fitness on Broadway is all about, and what all that offers you.
Check out this video:

Here is the Video

Here is the Tributaries Radio Show with Host Robin Claire and Guest Sam Iannetta speaking about Functional Fitness

Here is a testimonial video from our clients

We are lucky enough to live in one of the fittest communities in the country, and of course there are lots of options available to go along with that. The reason Functional Fitness, and particularly our new facility on Broadway, is among the best of those options is that we link up that motivation you have to improve your physical body with a way that actually supports your overall health and well-being rather than systematically eroding it. You see, for us and for the people who value fitness in their lives, the secret to maintaining it is to integrate it into our everyday lives. Our approach gets you beyond working out. You discover that fitness is not something separate from everyday life but very much an extension of it. It has never made any sense to us why you live one way but exercise in a completely different manner. That just seems like a recipe for injury and the pain that we see every day.

Here is a piece of a couple of analysis by Sam Iannetta

This is why we created Functional Fitness Broadway to offer a fitness and health experience that you literally cannot get anywhere else. Every element of the concept, design and operation of this new location (in the historic Haertling Building at 2405 Broadway ( designed to be completely individual. This is the total opposite of a mass-market gym with lots of machines you have to fit yourself into and crowds of people competing for space. Our approach, and therefore our facility, is based upon over 30,000 hours of personal training experience. Each person is different, so squeezing them in to the same exercise routine is just plain illogical.

Sitting at your computer today, your body has developed a series of habits, imbalances and coping mechanisms to deal with everything you throw at it day after day. Some of this may come from your current exercise program, old injuries, postural issues or a whole range of different elements. The point is that they are unique to you, and so working your body to a more healthy state has to be done with an expertise and understanding in precisely who you are, not some theoretical idea of the human body. This is a place for real people, not robots.

In this quick note, I can’t even try to tell you everything about the facility and what we do. Just know that I want you to experience a vision of yourself beyond a generalized model of health, and to gain a fuller state of health that is particular to you. What I can tell you is that this is a facility you can use 24 hours a day, on your own or with the personal guidance of one of our team. We are not trying to appeal to everyone nor are we trying to sell thousands of memberships on the plan that you will drop out of the fitness scene but keep paying the facility.

If you are intrigued by a fitness experience that is focused on working with you as you really are today and helping you get to where you want to be tomorrow, then you owe it to yourself to explore Functional Fitness Broadway. Monthly memberships from $49.

Most personal trainers work at facilities that do not appreciate personal trainers or are owned by business people that see personal training as another profit center for the business. Functional Fitness on Broadway is completely owned by 4 personal trainers Sam Iannetta, Rich O'Neill, Chuck Hyde and Dennis O'Brien so our facility from layout to function was designed to get great results for all members and clients. That is why our memberships all include an analysis of how you are moving currently and an explanation of the most important things for you personally to work on. Whether you want to use a personal trainer weekly monthly or yearly is up to you but you will get good advice regularly just by being in the center. Our trainers just can't help making suggestions and guiding you to a higher state of being whether it be fitness, nutrition, flexibility or sport based.
Here is a video testimonial from the trainers at Functional Fitness and now Functional Fitness on Broadway.

Call us: 303-443-9915
Or come by the facility to see for yourself
We are located on the corner of Maxwell and Broadway
2405 Broadway to be exact, Boulder CO 80304

Sam Iannetta, Founder/Master Trainer, Functional Fitness LLC


  1. I definitely agree that fitness should be an extension of everyday life. In my opinion things like functional fitness are necessary just to accomplish tasks you do all the time. It's not just about losing weight or gaining muscle. Sometimes it's just about keeping my body happy and healthy. Sam thanks for the info and motivation!
